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原创携手哈罗深圳,领航崭新未来|欢迎新任校长Daniel Berry先生

来源:互联网    时间:2023-08-07 11:45:35


哈罗深圳新校长 Daniel Berry 先生于8月份正式上任。此前他在英国担任学校领导者,并拥有多年的成功经验。

Mr Berry joins Harrow Shenzhen as the new Head Master from August 2023, after many successful years leading schools in the United Kingdom.

在加入哈罗之前,Daniel Berry先生是英国克科姆文理学校的校长。该学校是一所含走读和寄宿的私立学校,并且获得HMC英国校长协会认证——该协会成员学校皆为世界领先的私立学校;Daniel Berry先生本人也是HMC督察小组的成员之一。更早以前,Daniel Berry先生在英国圣乔治公立学校担任校长,该学校在其领导期间的评级为“优等”。

Before joining Harrow, Mr Berry was Head Master of Kirkham Grammar School, an independent day and boarding school and a member of the Headmasters" and Headmistresses" Conference (HMC), the professional association of the world"s leading Independent schools. At the same time, he was also a member of the HMC panel on inspection. Prior to that, he was Head of St. George"s School, a state school in England, which was judged to be "outstanding" under his leadership.

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